Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

21 November 2022


jjdg, Kim_patch, Poornima, Sally
Jennifer, Mick

Meeting minutes

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements draft note https://www.w3.org/TR/ctaur/

Take a look and post feedback to gitHub


Sally: Google more for academics Microsoft more for business. I gravitate to Microsoft

Poornima: GitHub icons are confusing– Sometimes don't know what's going to happen

Sally: cognitive load of using something new or something you don't use every day can become very high

Sally: I would choose something I use just because I know how to use it

Poornima: you will eventually learn but it takes time

Sally: fatigue having to learn and do it the same time

Sally: is there an Is there an automated way to go fromGoogle docs to Microsoft online?

Sally: looks like there is: https://jumpcloud.com/blog/connect-to-both-office-365-g-suite


COGA group doing research as well – we will connect with them at some point

Appt update

still working on code examples

JJ: We have a series of interviews people with disabilities and how they use. We also want to do how many members of public use accessibility features.

JJ: it works really well – when developers see someone with a certain disability or using an accessibility feature they get invested in this and they want to develop something. It gets a lot better than plaintext – the videos you can actually see someone using your app – in large full-size or using screenreader.

JJ: we wrote our platform to support mobile – now the other platforms, some of them don't have code examples

JJ: finalizing content this year and go live in January probably

JJ: it will go from beta to just appt

Sally: if you have an accident New Zealand there's more access to funding than if you have a medical condition

Sally: thinking of doing more research on that

<jjdg> Potential removal of SC 4.1.1: https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/2525#issuecomment-1316949146

How WCAG 2.2 relates to mobile spreadsheet


Discussion tab – Adding 4.1.1 discussion

Note the Web and native columns. It's useful to see the difference.

No meeting next week. Next meeting December 5.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Kim_patch

Maybe present: JJ

All speakers: JJ, Poornima, Sally

Active on IRC: jjdg, Kim_patch, Poornima