Carers and Young Carers Survey

At some point in our lives, many of us will care for a relative, friend or neighbour who needs support in their daily lives.

South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership is keen to hear what kind of support you need in the run-up to the new Carers (Scotland) Act which comes into effect in April 2018, to support people who provide unpaid care (carers).

Your feedback will help us decide how we should plan to make things better for carers in South Ayrshire over the next couple of years. 

This questionnaire has been designed to seek the views of both adult and young carers. You do not need to complete every question but we would like as many views as possible.  

Any information you give will be treated in strict confidence and will be used only for the purposes of developing a Carers Strategy that meets the needs of those living in South Ayrshire.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

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* 1. Are you?

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* 2. Which age group are you in?

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* 3. Do you live in South Ayrshire?

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* 4. Are you White, White British, Black, Black British, Asian, Asian British, Chinese or another race?

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* 5. Please select which one of the following describes you at present:

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* 6. Which one of the following best describes what you are doing at present?

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* 7. How many hours of unpaid care do you provide per week?

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* 8. Thinking about your role as an unpaid carer, please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Unsure
I have adequate support to allow me continue in my caring role
I have people that I can talk to in confidence about my caring role  
My GP supports me in my caring role
My employer knows that I have a caring role           
I feel well supported by my school/college/uni/training provider
My caring role has put a strain on my financial situation
My caring role impacts negatively on my relationship with others (e.g. spouse, partner, parents, siblings, other
family members)
I feel isolated as a result of my caring role    
I have found it easy to access advice and information about being a carer in South Ayrshire
My caring role has had a negative impact on my health and wellbeing
I am aware of what short break / respite services are available locally
I am caring for more than one person
I feel at risk of harm from the person I care for

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* 9. Thinking about how you feel in your role as a carer, please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Unsure
I regularly get a full night’s sleep
I have time for myself outside of my caring role
I have time for hobbies, relaxation or social contact with friends/family
I feel able to carry out my caring role

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* 10. Have you been offered support in your role as a carer?

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* 11. Does your caring role affect your ability to go to school / work / study or participate in training?

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* 12. Which of the following services would be of most benefit to you as a carer? (Check all that apply)

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* 13. Thinking about the person you care for, please say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Unsure
I have a say in the services that are provided for the person I care for
I feel satisfied with my level of involvement in the design of the care package for the person I care for
I feel well informed about the services provided for the person I care for    
I feel satisfied with the quality of services provided for the person I care for
I can influence decisions in my local area relating to health and social care services

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* 14. What three things would you like to change in South Ayrshire which would make your life as a carer easier?