How to Build a Library Worth Having

woman browsing books to build her library

It’s important to have a robust personal library to be a student of life and learn daily. Here’s what to include when building your library.

Why You Should Keep a Journal

woman journaling to leave as a legacy

There are three important things you should leave behind as a legacy for future generations: your journals, pictures, and library.

Jim Rohn: How Patience Makes You Rich

Jim Rohn: How Patience Makes You Rich

Perspective lets you measure your current plans against things that have already occurred and against your desires and aspirations for the future.

6 Ways to Act on Your Ambition

6 Ways to Act on Your Ambition

t’s the process of doing that brings value. It’s the activity that transforms our dreams into reality, that converts ideas into actuality. Self-enterprise is found in that activity. For without activity, we’ll miss the opportunity.