Online Community of Peers

College Prep Scholars have access to an exclusive online community and can connect with other high-achieving, low-income peers also applying to top colleges. This space provides College Prep Scholars the opportunity to build friendships, ask difficult questions, and navigate the National College Match and overall college admissions journey together.

"I really enjoyed being a part of the group. Everyone was so willing to help each other and it was really beautiful. I enjoyed being able to interact with other highly motivated kids because there are not many around me."

- 2019 College Prep Scholar

Common college admissions topics include:

  • Navigating the National College Match process
  • Researching or visiting our college partners
  • Writing college essays and short answers
  • Studying for and taking standardized tests
  • Interviewing with colleges, organizations, and employers

Common personal discussion topics include:

  • Balancing school, extracurriculars, family responsibilities, and college research
  • Unique challenges of being high-achieving, low-income in a particular context
  • Different or shared hobbies, identities, and communities
  • Social media accounts and smaller groupchats
  • Ideas for summer jobs, volunteer work, and activities

"This group kept me on track and helped me sort out questions I had about this whole college process! It was very, very helpful, and it was amazing to connect with other College Prep Scholars across the country!"

- 2019 College Prep Scholar