Featured Resources

  • New Demographics Information

    NASP asks its members to complete optional demographic information to help assess the diversity of membership and the profession. View our new report and complete your demographic profile today!

  • Early Bird Pricing for PPI

    NASP’s Public Policy Institute will be back in DC from July 24–26. Participants will be trained by education policy and advocacy experts. Register before April 24 to take advantage of early bird pricing!

Stay Informed

  • Supporting Autistic Students

    Join us on Wednesday April 17 at 3:00 p.m. ET for a webinar discussing the core characteristics of autism, its link to mental health disorders, and the impact of masking. Plus, examine suggested modifications for commonly used evidence-based interventions

  • Supporting and Retaining African American School Psychologists

    In order to diversify the field, schools and districts must take intentional steps and implement evidence-based strategies to retain African American school psychologists.

  • Military Family Interest Group

    April is the Month of the Military Child. If you are interested in connecting with your peers on how to best support military children join this interest group focused on how enhance all aspects of school-based psychological services for students and military families.

Get Engaged

  • NASP Is Hiring

    Apply now to be the Director of Professional Standards, this position will collaborate with staff and leadership to design and implement the strategic vision and plan for the profession.

  • Register for the Advanced Skills Institute

    Registration for the Advanced Skills Institute is now open! This 2-day online event allows you to engage in training focused on the most pertinent topics in the field and engage with colleagues to enrich your skill set.

  • Join Now for Our Best Offer

    Membership renewal is now open through June 30, 2025, renew online by June 14 for the option to pay in installments. Learn more about the benefits of membership.

About NASP

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) represents and supports the profession of school psychology by advancing effective practices to improve students' learning, behavior and mental health, and by maintaining essential standards for ethics and practice. Read more

NASP Practice Model

The NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services (PDF), also known as the NASP Practice Model, represents NASP's official policy regarding the delivery of school psychological services. NASP has developed this implementation guide as a resource to help school psychologists through the process of advocating for and implementing the model in their school or district.

Practice ModelThe NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services, also known as the NASP Practice Model, represents NASP’s official policy regarding the delivery of school psychological services. The model was updated as part of the NASP 2020 Professional Standards revision and builds on the success of the 2010 standards in advancing the comprehensive role of school psychologists across the country.