Health & Safety Dashboard

Current COVID-19 data for in-person learning in LWSD

Lake Washington School District takes all positive COVID-19 cases seriously. We have a comprehensive COVID-19 Positive Case Report Response process that includes reporting the case to Public Health, communicating information as needed to affected staff, parents/students (also called close contacts), and implementing our cleaning protocols that includes cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing work spaces as required.

For the latest COVID-19 metrics for King County, please visit the Public Health website.

COVID-19 positive case data for student/staff for the
7-day period from Jun 14-20

Last update: 6/23/2023.

Student count represents students receiving in-person instruction as of September 20, 2022. Staff count is the the estimated number of staff members that are assigned to that district building.

A positive case is defined as a staff member or student who was present at work/school up to two days before becoming symptomatic and/or testing positive for COVID-19.

Positive cases may be listed more than one time in building counts if the individual was in more than one building while positive. The total number of staff and students reflects total numbers of individuals.

Please note: Numbers for ICS and Emerson K-12 are located in the high school tab.

Historical data