From the course: Cross-Cultural Communication Nano Tips with Jessica Chen

What is cross-cultural communication?

- What is cross-cultural communications? In today's modern world, it is not so unusual to be able to work with somebody from across the world, or to have somebody on your team who's working in another country. So having a good understanding of cross-cultural communications is vital to the modern working world. So what is it? Well, first of all, it's not just language. It's not just the local dialect of what somebody speaks. Cross-cultural communications is also understanding things like their beliefs, their practices, the way they behave and the way they carry themselves. When you're thinking about honing your cross-cultural communication skills, make sure that you don't just think of it as their language, but you are having a bird's eye view of that country and that culture. Having that broad understanding will better position yourself when you're interacting with these people and make it so that you are a great team player.
