A new vision for a sustainable future.

At IAA Mobility 2021, we shared the next phase of our vision for mobility and the future of our company. We will extend our zero-emission commitment to all sectors of mobility, including plans to achieve carbon neutrality.


Mobility means more than cars.

While building one of the widest ranges of electrified powertrains on the market, we have transitioned to become a smart mobility solution provider. Our significant investments in the future of mobility, including battery electric vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and sustainability are already becoming reality.
A pregnant woman pictured by an alpine lake holding her baby bump.

Carbon Neutrality 2045.

Hyundai is in progress to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
Close up of a Hyundai NEXO Fuel Cell Electric Car being fueled with hydrogen.


Join us in building a society with our growing fleet of hydrogen-powered cars and trucks.
Hyundai's family of electrified cars parked in front of a cityscape.


Meet the widest range of electrified vehicles in Europe, from full hybrids, to battery electric vehicles and even Hydrogen Fuel-Cell cars.
Boston dynamics Spot and Atlas, facing a Hyundai NEXO.


At Hyundai we develop technology for humans – in cars, in wearable robotics, and Elevate, our walking car.


Learn about our collaboration with Healthy Seas and how we utilise innovative, sustainable materials in our vehicles.