Submit New Concepts

Please note that we are not accepting new concept notes at this time. Please check back later if you would like to submit a concept note. For any questions about concept note submission please contact us.

The HIP Partnership helps to build consensus around what works in family planning programs through the development and dissemination of briefs, strategic planning guides, and related tools. Please refer to the HIP list or video for further information.

We receive concepts for new briefs or strategic planning guides on a rolling basis. New concepts submitted by May 18 and October 23 are reviewed at one or two meetings of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in June and November, respectively.

  • Concept notes should be no longer than one page, single-spaced (not including references).
  • Concept notes for briefs should include the following: Definition of the practice, summary of the evidence base, short justification of why the practice should be included in the HIPs, and name and contact information of the lead author. The concept note should focus on a clearly defined practice that has the potential to be or has been implemented at scale, and that can be measured.  Concepts for briefs should focus on a specific practice in one of three areas: service delivery, social and behavior change, and enabling environment.
  • Concept notes for strategic planning guides should include the following: Importance/relevance of the suggested topic, key steps or considerations that could be included in the guide, and name and contact information of the lead author. Strategic planning guides provide concise guidance on key considerations on a specific topic important to family planning such as engaging men in FP services or task sharing.

Please note that due to the submission volume we cannot provide feedback to all the submissions received.  Only those with concept notes approved by the TAG will be contacted to discuss next steps.

Learn more about how HIP briefs and strategic planning guides are developed.