Conceived by faculty, CUNY Careers Across the Disciplines initiative is an academically-driven approach to supporting the integration of career connections across the curricula. This vision has been enshrined by CUNY’s strategic plan as a critical solution for meeting this goal:

“Beginning with orientation, campuses will systematically and intentionally connect students’ potential career pathways and academic interests to ensure an engaged alignment between their goals and our curriculum.” – CUNY Lifting NY, Goal 2.3

According to a recent survey of 1,600 CUNY faculty authored by CUNY’s Career Success Fellows, 94% of CUNY professors consider it part of their responsibility to help students prepare for the successful pursuit of their professional aspirations after leaving CUNY. 87% reported that they were interested in including career preparation in their classes, yet 84% said that they lacked the resources and incentive to support integrating professional or career information into their course work.

Recognizing an opportunity to prepare students to explore, secure and succeed in careers of their choosing, and support faculty in expanding connections between classroom and career, CUNY will launch Careers Across the Disciplines.

Three CUNY students pose for "CUNY Lifting NY"

Careers Across the Degree Resources

In addition to integrating career connections into the classroom, it is also essential to embed career milestones across a student’s degree path. Below are some useful resources developed by CUNY campus faculty, staff, and system teams to support this work.

CSI student at commencement ceremony

Career-Infused Degree Maps

Every CUNY department is required to create a degree map that helps students understand the courses they need to take in order to successfully attain their degree. Several CUNY campuses have begun to add career milestones to these traditional degree maps. Read More

Initial results from one campus are striking. Over a three-year period, one Computer Science Department that used these career maps saw a correlated increase in the number of students securing internships by 43%. The number of students with full-time jobs upon graduation also grew by 144%, and the starting salaries of graduates increased by 34%.

With support from Robin Hood foundation, CUNY will support campuses in scaling career-infused degree maps to additional departments and majors, with input from alumni and employers.

NYC Media Lab in the Campbell Dome.

Tech in Residence Corps

The Tech-in-Residence Corps brings industry professionals from the NYC tech ecosystem into CUNY classrooms to transfer their skillsets and applied knowledge directly to students and to collaborate with Computer Science faculty. In 2023, the program expanded to Finance.

CUNY student intern in office

College Apprenticeships (within AAS pathways)

CUNY colleges have partnered with the NY Jobs CEO Council to embed paid, for-credit apprenticeships within Applied Associates of Science (A.A.S.) degrees across CUNY. Following launch of an initial five programs, CUNY committed to tripling the number of college apprenticeships through its AAS redesign initiative.

Other Resources