Preventing Pregnancy-Related Deaths

The death of a woman during pregnancy, at delivery, or soon after delivery is a tragedy for her family and for society as a whole.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many changes. These changes are entirely normal, but may become very important in case there are complications or problems.

A pregnancy-related death is defined as the death of a woman during pregnancy or within one year of the end of pregnancy from a pregnancy complication, a chain of events initiated by pregnancy, or the aggravation of an unrelated condition by the physiologic effects of pregnancy.

What can women do to prevent a pregnancy-related death?

Many factors influence pregnancy-related health outcomes. It is important for all women of reproductive age to adopt healthy lifestyles (e.g., maintain a healthy diet and weight, be physically active, quit all substance use, prevent injuries) and address any health problems before getting pregnant. Visit your health care provider to discuss if or when you are thinking about getting pregnant. This is important to make sure you receive appropriate medical advice and care, and have healthy pregnancies.

A healthy pregnancy begins before conception and continues with prenatal care, along with early recognition and management of complications if they arise. Health care providers can help women prepare for pregnancy and for any potential problems during pregnancy. Early initiation of prenatal care by pregnant women, and continuous monitoring of pregnancy by health providers, are key to helping to prevent and treat severe pregnancy-related complications.

What is CDC doing?

CDC is committed to preventing pregnancy-related deaths, and ensuring the best possible birth outcomes. CDC is engaged or supports the following activities:

  • Hear Her campaign is a national campaign supporting CDC’s efforts to prevent pregnancy-related deaths by sharing potentially life-saving messages about urgent maternal warning signs.
  • National pregnancy-related mortality surveillance to better understand the risk factors for and causes of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States. Findings are released regularly in the scientific literature and on the CDC Web site.
  • Enhancing Reviews and Surveillance to Eliminate Maternal Mortality supports agencies and organizations that coordinate and manage Maternal Mortality Review Committees to identify, review, and characterize maternal deaths; and identify prevention opportunities.