Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi

Transparency In Coverage Machine Readable Files

In accordance with the Transparency in Coverage Rule requirements, the following Machine Readable Files for Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi and applicable group Health and Wellness Benefit Plans are available:


Pricing information and other data included in the Machine Readable Files represent data available to and within the control of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi for the current reporting period. Data reported is subject to change between the date the current Machine Readable File is created and the next required update.

The data included in the Machine Readable Files is provided pursuant to the Transparency in Coverage Rule and intended solely for that purpose. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi disclaims the fitness of the data for any other purpose, including use in any third-party disclosure database or product. Any such use and any liability attached to such use is at the risk of such third-party.

The data contained in the Machine Readable Files is not a guarantee of payment and may not always reflect amounts on final claim processing documentation. Eligibility and benefit determinations are made when the claim is processed by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi.

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