AAR Calls on Institutions to Support Faculty in #ScholarStrike

The American Academy of Religion, a learned society of more than 8,000 scholars of religion, encourages institutions of higher education to support faculty members participating in #ScholarStrike, to help their students learn from the #ScholarStrike teach-ins, and to make available additional materials addressing racial justice. Doing so will demonstrate solidarity with those seeking to make our communities better places.

#ScholarStrike is a call for a general strike of 48 hours on September 8 and 9 to take a collective stand against police brutality and extra-judicial violence in the United States. Scholars participating in the strike will refrain from teaching and administrative duties for those 48 hours and will, instead, use that time to facilitate and participate in public teach-ins via social media about police brutality and violence, racism, white supremacy and other issues from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Scholars who wish to join may sign-on. Additional information can be found in these articles: academeblog.org, InsideHigherEd, and CNN.