Gun Violence Prevention Task Force (GVPTF)

The task force was charged with researching and compiling data on crimes and suicide involving guns and recommending actions to help reduce gun violence in the county.

The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force

The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force completed its work on June 5, 2020. To read the final report, the button below. The County Executive is committed to decreasing gun violence in Anne Arundel County and the work of the task force is being continued by the Gun Violence Intervention Team, launched in August 2020 in the Department of Health.

County Executive Pittman committed to creating a task force during his campaign for office. The GVPTF was created by Executive Order #9 in April 2019.

The task force consisted of twenty appointed members representing a broad spectrum of experience and expertise in public safety, emergency operations, behavioral health and community outreach. The task force also included sixteen local government officials acting in an ex-officio capacity. Dr. Jennifer Purcell, Pittman’s former Chief of Staff, represented the County Executive on the task force.
The executive order requested a preliminary report from the task force by December 15, 2019. This report summarized the task force’s progress and included initial findings and recommendations. Due to COVID-19, the final report deadline of May 1, 2020 was extended, and the final report was completed by June 5, 2020. 

Gun Violence Intervention Team

On August 12, 2020, the Gun Violence Intervention Team (GVIT) launched under the Department of Health to continue the GVPTF’s work and address gun violence as a public health issue. The team is managed by a full-time health planner and meets monthly to discuss the work of subcommittees focused on three priority areas: data, public awareness, and crisis response. Community engagement is an integral part of the GVIT’s work.

For details on the GVIT and access to current data and status reports, visit the GVIT webpage at

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