World Physiotherapy launches strategic plan for 2022 and beyond

World Physiotherapy’s strategic plan for 2022 and beyond focuses on building a thriving and engaged global physiotherapy profession, supporting physiotherapists and advocating for people, regardless of location, to have access to physiotherapy services.

The plan has been developed after a series of consultations, surveys, and focus groups with the board, member organisations, regions, subgroups, and the staff leadership group. 

During this process, World Physiotherapy’s purpose and vision were reviewed and revised, and several key themes emerged, which have been grouped into three strategic pillars, underpinned by four core values. An infographic and a background document have been created and are available in English, French, and Spanish.

Emma Stokes, World Physiotherapy president, said: “We’re very excited to launch our new strategic plan. We have revised our vision and present our values clearly. The strategic pillars that will inform our work build on our previous strategy and set us up for a world emerging from a global pandemic and facing many challenges. 
“It has been collaboratively developed through consultation with our community and I believe it represents a contemporary approach that remains true to the value and ambitions of our founding member organisations."

Our vision

Everyone has universal access to quality physiotherapy services where and when needed.

Our purpose

To represent physiotherapy across the globe, advancing our profession and advocating access for all, to improve health and wellbeing.

Our strategic pillars

Evolving and sustainable

  • World Physiotherapy is a mature, financially sustainable organisation, with a tailored member offering that supports and builds the capacity of our member organisations and regions.

Influence and reach

  • World Physiotherapy works collaboratively with our member organisations, regions, subgroups, and other stakeholders to advance the profession, increase access to physiotherapy services, and improve outcomes for consumers.

Knowledge connector

  • World Physiotherapy supports effective advocacy and evidence informed best practice by connecting member organisations, regions, subgroups, and other stakeholders to high quality sources of knowledge, data, and insights.

Our values


  • We bring our community together through our member organisations, regions, subgroups, and the wider physiotherapy profession. 


  • We recognise and embrace the diversity in our community and our actions create a sense of belonging.   


  • We support our member organisations, regions, and subgroups in the service of others to create lasting change and impact. 


  • We partner with our member organisations, regions, subgroups, and others who share our values and objectives. 

Jonathon Kruger, World Physiotherapy chief executive officer, said: “The new strategic plan provides a roadmap for the staff team to work on evolving the key services provided, so that we can meet the needs of our members now and into the future.”

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World Physiotherapy strategic plan