
Williamsport, Pa. — Women’s health services at UPMC facilities in northcentral Pa. have become part of UPMC Magee-Womens, a nationally renowned network with a traditional focus on gynecologic and obstetric services.

“UPMC women’s health services have a long-standing history of quality in our region,” said Brenda Terry-Manchester, director of Women’s Services, UPMC in northcentral Pa.

“We have connected women in all stages of life with compassionate and experienced providers for many years. As part of the UPMC Magee-Womens family, we’re adding on to our legacy – advancing treatment options, expanding services, and taking the high standard of care we're known for in the region to a new level.”

UPMC facilities in the region join a growing number of other facilities that offer UPMC Magee-Womens services. In addition to general OB/GYN care, patients can receive the following specialty services:

  • Women’s Imaging
  • Breast Surgery
  • Urogynecologic Surgery
  • Gynecologic Oncology Surgery
  • Breast Cancer Treatment, in partnership with UPMC Hillman Cancer Center
  • Maternal Fetal Medicine
  • Neonatal Care

“In addition to our recent integration with the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center network, our collaboration with UPMC Magee-Womens is another way that UPMC has strengthened its commitment to delivering world-class care and life-changing medicine to our region,” said Patti Jackson-Gehris, interim president, UPMC Williamsport, and chief operating officer and vice president of Strategy & Business Development, UPMC in northcentral Pa.

“By aligning with UPMC Magee-Womens, we are increasing access to additional specialists across the UPMC system right here in the region while advancing our clinical excellence and care locally.”

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