FI Transition – E-Timesheet Migration

Welcome to all our incoming Consumers, Surrogates, and Personal Care Attendants from Northeast Arc and Stavros, and thank you for your interest in transitioning to the Tempus Unlimited Electronic Timesheet system. As part of the FI Transition, we are pulling over all Users of the Northeast Arc and Stavros electronic timesheet systems that have accessed the system within the past six months. On 12/18/21, these Users should receive a Confirmation Email from that will include instructions to complete setup. (Be sure to check any Spam folders as well for this email.) Once both parties have completed the confirmation process, you will be able to create, edit, and submit e-timesheets beginning with your first scheduled payroll (12/19/21 or 12/26/21). Please note that the Confirmation Links are only good for 24hrs due to internet security guidelines.

Please see FAQ section below for more information.

For helpful video guides to the E-Timesheet system, please visit our eTimesheet page or our YouTube channel.


FI Transition – E-Timesheet Migration


What is the website address for the E-Timesheet system?
What if I never received a Confirmation Email?
  • You may email from the email address on file, including your name and 6-digit Consumer #, to request a Confirmation Email be resent.
What if I missed my 24hr window to Confirm?
  • You may Reply to the email to request a new Confirmation Email be resent.
I do not have an existing account; how do I sign up?
  • Please fill out, sign, and submit an Electronic Timesheet Agreement Form and fax/mail/email for processing. Please Note that all Users will need their own unique email addresses (i.e. Consumers and PCAs cannot share an email address).