Saturday, June 1, 2024

MSU to switch to semi-annual enrollment starting Fall 2022

January 28, 2022

Since Aug. 18, 2020 when President Samuel L. Stanley Jr. announced that Michigan State University would transition to a fully online curriculum for the fall semester, a transition began for the students as well. Gone is the lecture hall, computer lab, science lab and every other form of traditional classroom. Instead, the students of MSU have begun to work in their very own COVID-19 classrooms. This photo story is a compiled gallery of work submitted by each member of our photo desk, to visually depict what a COVID classroom looks like during the fall semester of 2020. Students are Zooming in from their bedrooms, living rooms and balconies, sometimes with roommates or would-be classmates but often alone. Unlike the learning environment of previous semesters, students are faced with a learning environment that doubles as their living space. Rather than straight rows of seats facing a projector, students are surrounded by pets, snacks and roommates.

Michigan State announced it will shift from annual enrollment to semi-annual enrollment starting in the Fall 2022 semester in an email from Associate Provost of Enrollment and Academic Strategic Planning Dave Weatherspoon on Jan. 28.

Open enrollment for Fall 2022 begins April 23. Students can enroll by appointment for the fall semester starting April 11. Spring and Summer 2023 enrollment opens Oct. 31. 

The switch came at the request of the Registrar’s office with a recommendation from the University Committee on Undergraduate Education, or UCUE, and the University Committee on Graduate Studies, or UCGS, and the approval of the Provost. 

An email from the Office of the Registrar was sent to students Friday afternoon with specific details on the switch to semi-annual enrollment. 

Starting in April, students can enroll for Fall 2022 classes through the Student Information System, or SIS. Students can begin choosing classes they want to take in February and add them to their “Shopping Cart” in SIS for later. Students can then schedule those classes once enrollment opens in April.

MSU recommends students schedule an appointment with their academic advisor before adding classes to their “Shopping Cart” to validate class selections and make sure prerequisites are met before it’s time to enroll.

Previously, MSU asked students to enroll for the full academic year every spring. 

“Annual enrollment offered some benefits, but also created a significant number of difficulties for both students and the university,” Weatherspoon wrote in the email to faculty, academic staff and advisors.

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