Graduating Seniors & Data

Transferring your Google Files and RETAINING CCGI Access

How to Transfer Content from your EGUSD Google Drive

Graduating Seniors - Don't leave EGUSD without your Google Drive data.

After you graduate, your EGUSD Google account (including your Google Docs, Drawings, Forms, Slides, Sheets, images, and other file formats) will be deleted. If you want to keep the files you stored in your EGUSD Google Drive, you must download those items to another drive (USB flash drive, external device) or transfer them to your personal Google account.

Your EGUSD Google account will be closed on Thursday, June 30th.

What are my options?

Download your Google Drive files with Google Takeout or use Google Transfer to move your content to your personal Google account.

Google Takeout will make a copy of your Google Drive data and save it as a compressed archive file. All Google Docs, Drawings, Forms, Slides and Sheets will be converted to a standard Microsoft Office format for compatibility with applications outside of the Google environment.

Once compressed, you can save the archive file onto a USB flash drive, other external device or in your personal Google Drive account.

Google Takeout steps and video tutorial

Google Transfer will allow you to copy your Google Drive data from your EGUSD Google account to your personal Google account.

Google Transfer steps and video tutorial

How to Retain Access to your (CCGI) Account

In addition to preserving the contents of your Google Drive, we strongly encourage all students to do the same for your (CCGI) account.