Background Facts

While nationwide the gender ratio of male to female economics majors has stayed fairly constant over the past 20 years, there is a noticeable gap between schools based on type and quality of institution. The information on this page is intended to give schools an idea of where their economics departments stand in numbers as compared to others in the US.

All data presented here is publicly available online through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and the US Department of Education website.

Gender and the Undergraduate Economics MajorClaudia Goldin’s report on the status of undergraduate women in economics at Adams College, a liberal arts college. The report shows trends in the numbers of men and women taking Principles and Intermediate Economics courses and majoring in economics at Adams. Women primarily exit the path to getting an economics major before taking Principles and between taking Principles and the Intermediate sequence. Female students are also more sensitive to the grades they receive in Principles than are their male peers.

Planning Group Meeting Data Report: The report, put together for the November 2014 Planning Group Meeting with the UWE Board of Experts, looks at the state of the economics major in the United States across the 2011-2013 period. The report gives aggregate statistics for groups of colleges and universities, as well as individual statistics for schools in the "top 100 universities", "top 100 liberal arts colleges", women's colleges, and 100 largest institutions (IPEDS 2011-2013).

Residuals data (forthcoming): Residuals data for a regression of the percent of female undergraduates majoring in economics, controlling for the percent of male undergraduates majoring in economics and in business, racial makeup of the school, and other institutional characteristics. Schools with positive residuals graduate more women with a BA in economics than predicted by the model. (IPEDS 2013)

2013 Economics and Business ProgramsInformation on the total number of BA students, of economics BAs, and of business BAs, and the gender ratios for all schools in the US with an undergraduate economics or business program (or both). (IPEDS 2013)