Bloomberg Law
Sept. 26, 2022, 5:40 PM UTC

Bosses Can Beat Tight Labor Market By Tearing the Paper Ceiling

Jo Constantz
Bloomberg News

Add paper ceiling to the growing list of workplace buzzwords. That’s the term for barriers degree requirements create for job seekers without a college diploma.

The paper ceiling doesn’t just hurt the 50% of the US workforce that lacks a four-year degree — it also hamstrings US businesses, many of which have been struggling with severe labor shortages. In July, job openings rebounded back to <-bsp-bb-link state="{"bbHref":"bbg://news/stories/RHFP3DDWLU6C","_id":"00000183-7d0a-db80-a39b-7d5bc5e30000","_type":"0000016b-944a-dc2b-ab6b-d57ba1cc0000"}">two for every unemployed person. Meanwhile, <-bsp-bb-link state="{"bbDocId":"QS8A3LT1UM11","_id":"00000183-7d0a-db80-a39b-7d5bc5e30001","_type":"0000016b-944a-dc2b-ab6b-d57ba1cc0000"}">college enrollment is dropping. That’s a tough combination for many employers, as nearly 70% of new jobs come with degree requirements.

The phrase “paper ceiling” is being broadcast in a new ...

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