
The Writing Center has both in-person and online appointments available.

Please call 610-683-4733 or email wrcenter@kutztown.edu* to set up an in-person appointment; we will also have an after-hours appointment sheet outside the center door.

*The phone is monitored only when the center in rl100c is open.

The Kutztown University Writing Center (KUWC) is dedicated to supporting scholarship, creativity, and composition on campus.

The KUWC is open during the academic year. The KUWC opens approximately the second week of every semester. We have limited hours during finals week and are closed during summer sessions. In addition, when the University closes, so does the Writing Center.

Students are invited to bring ideas and drafts for any class. We welcome all essays, literary analyses, biology research papers, teaching philosophies, sociology case studies–you name it! Creative writing is welcome, too!

Our goal is to aid students in exploring rhetorical purpose, audience, and genre as they compose. Through friendly conversation and careful analysis, the student and KUWC consultant together will discover not only means of improving drafts but also strategies a student can use to improve his or her writing over time. Consultants provide feedback as honest and interested readers, commenting on focus, organization, development, mechanics, and style.

Please report problems with this site to the KUWC Director: Dr. Pytleski