
METRO’s Reference and Instruction Interest Group invites you to participate in a May symposium on Critical Pedagogy.

The Critical Pedagogy Symposium aims to be a working symposium that is focused on building a space to learn, collaborate, and engage with critical race theory in dialogue and community. The 2023 Symposium will focus on critical race theory in libraries.

Our working definition of critical pedagogy includes: teaching and learning in the library that interrogates power structures, distributions of labor, histories, queer, racial inequities, environmental and social justices, and other forms of anti-oppression frameworks.

Tenets of Critical Race Theory include:

  • Race as a social construct; Racism is normal
  • Experiences and knowledge of BIPOC
  • Intersectionality; Interdisciplinary
  • Whiteness as property
  • Critique of dominant ideologies
  • Focus on historical contexts
  • Counter Storytelling and voice
  • Interest convergence

Check this website for updates including our Call for Proposals, Code of Conduct, and our 2023 co-sponsors and team of library workers in action.

You can reach the team at: criticallibrarysymposium@gmail.com.