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KFI AM - Los Angeles, CA


KFI 04/24/2024 05:16:22 AM: ...I will all right. Let's go back to some of the stories coming out of the K-FI 24 hour newsroom. The California Hospital Association has sued Anthem Blue Cross, claiming the insurance company is violating safety laws since are remaining in the hospital waiting for insurance company authorizations and approvals. How can we stop the delay tactics and how can we ultimately? Require compliance with California's loss Association President and CEO Carmela Coil says Anthem is not meeting legal obligations to arrange for timely access to care for its members. Patients are backing up in the emergency department who are waiting for that bed otherwise available in the hospital, and most important, it means that patients are unable to get the level of care they need. She says they're sewing because patients are suffering a dusted advice reason in effect for most of Riverside county, the South Coast air quality management districts, as strong winds could cause elevated particle pollution, it could result in air quality levels that are unhealthy for sensitive groups. ...
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