That Girl’s Blog: 10 Things To Do With Your Teens While ‘Social Distancing’ During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Welcome to the uncharted waters of social distancing in a time of viruses and uncertainty. With schools closing and businesses closing their doors, you might find yourself in the no-longer ‘unique’ situation of time alone with your teenagers.

I will admit, this is a completely new experience for me, so I consulted with some friends, some social media sites and then bounced ideas off the 14-year old who is now spending more time in my home. From these sources, I have compiled a list of suggestions for things to do with your teen-aged child while we all wait out the Covid-19 outbreak.

  1. Yard work. I will admit it’s a little chilly, but I know my yard could use a good combing and stick removal. We are already seeing the first green poking up in flowerbeds across the Cape, too. They could offer to rake a few yards in the neighborhood, too. Remind them not to expect payment, as so many people are facing financial hardships right now.
  2. Organize a “Lawn Concert”. I am seeing more musicians setting up with a friend or two and performing for neighbors. This would also be a wonderful gift for any older relatives who are in assisted living facilities and could benefit from some live entertainment. I would coordinate with the main office, first. Think of it as springtime caroling!
  3. Foster a dog or cat. Check with local shelters or rescue groups and see if they have any animals in need of fostering. Since many of the shelters are by appointment only for the duration, this might be a way to help the animals socialize and help your teen learn about the responsibility of a pet.
  4. Take an online class or a virtual museum tour – TOGETHER! So many cultural centers like museums, zoos, aquariums and theatres are offering live stream talks and tours for free, you are missing out if you don’t take advantage.
  5. Game Night – without video games! When was the last time you pulled out the old Scrabble board or Monopoly game? You might be surprised about the fun and conversations you will have.
  6. Make Kindness Postcards. I saw this online. You can download and print or create your own cards with uplifting messages and leave them in your neighbors’ mailboxes. If you like, include your contact information so anyone in need of support can contact you.
  7. Make a Journal or Scrapbook of current events. We are experiencing a dramatic event in world history. To have a physical record of what they were feeling and some news articles (and memes, too) might help them process what is happening. It will also give a unique historical record of events for your family. 
  8. Teach “Adulting” Skills. Show your teen how to pay a bill or balance a checkbook. Explain interest rates and why they are fluctuating (I just Googled that one).  Show them how to cook a favorite meal or how to make a grocery list. You could even show them how you file taxes!
  9. Volunteer to Run Errands: If they have a drivers license they could offer to pick up groceries for someone who may not want to (or be able to) venture out. There are also several charities with meal delivery programs in need of help. 
  10. Anything Outdoors: Biking, walking, hiking… and my favorite: rollerblading! A little fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for everyone’s mood!  

Finally, I hope you are all safe and healthy with plenty of supplies for the duration. You can find news and other resources here: Covid-19 Updates.

If you have other ideas, we are eager to hear them! Email me: [email protected]

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About Cat Wilson

Cat Wilson is "That Girl" on Cape Country 104 – a Cape Cod native and longtime Cape radio personality. She is a passionate supporter of Military and Veteran causes on the Cape and also hosts local music spotlight program, “The Cheap Seats” on Ocean 104.7.
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