Caminar’s Behavioral Health Equity Fund

We are pleased to announce Caminar’s Behavioral Health Equity Fund, which was created to continue our response to the urgent behavioral health needs of the Bay Area’s underserved populations. Poverty, race, living environment, job status, education, and other factors have compounded the effects of COVID. But, behavioral health care plays a crucial role in reducing homelessness, incarcerations, and hospitalizations. It also bolsters people’s ability to engage with family, school, work, and primary care – and creates lasting economic and health benefits for individuals, families, and the community. Inequity will not go away without access to behavioral health for all.

At Caminar, we are more committed than ever to serving our neighbors with quality, science-based, compassionate care to address complex behavioral health needs.

You can help reduce significant human suffering by ensuring behavioral health care is available to all who need it. Donate today to help reduce suffering right here, in your Bay Area community.