Caring for God's Creation

Creation Care resources

Solar panels on house

After their son John did careful research, the Gillettes had solar panels installed on their home in December 2007.

Solar panels on church

In July 2008, Limestone Presbyterian Church dedicated their 180 solar panels on the sanctuary roof.

Books of Carolyn's hymns
Books including Carolyn's hymns
A Dozen Ways to Support Carolyn's Hymn Writing

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We are happy to send you news about new hymns by Carolyn. She writes hymns about how faith speaks to events in the world (disasters, social concerns, everyday living, etc.) as well as new hymns based on scripture, including lectionary lessons. To request free update notes about Carolyn's hymns, send an email message to with "hymn news" in the subject line. We appreciate your sharing hymn news with pastors, church musicians and others who love hymns.