TDI Window in Windows Forms Docking Manager

27 Apr 202110 minutes to read

Provides support for adding tabbed document windows in the docking manager. To enable the document mode in docking manager, set the EnableDocumentMode property to true.

Add child view as tabbed document

DockAsDocument function helps to add the child window as a document tab in docking manager. The document window should be added after dock layout has been loaded. The NewDockStateEndLoad event is recommended to add tabbed documents in docking manager.

// Invoking the NewDockStateEndLoad event.
   this.dockingManager1.NewDockStateEndLoad += DockingManager1_NewDockStateEndLoad

        private void DockingManager1_NewDockStateEndLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
          //To add TDI child 
'Invoking the NewDockStateEndLoad event.
Me.dockingManager1.NewDockStateEndLoad += DockingManager1_NewDockStateEndLoad
Private Sub DockingManager1_NewDockStateEndLoad(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

   'To add TDI child
		End Sub

Docking Manager displays docking child dock as tabbed document

Dock Window displays context menu

Document window behavior

SetWindowMode function helps to specify the window mode of docking child that defines dockability for specific child in DockingManager. It decides whether the docking child can be docked as Tool window or Document window.

Window mode

  • Tool - Allows docking child to change its state to dock, float, auto-hidden, or MDI/TDI.

  • Document - Allows docking child to move to float state only.

//To set Docking child as Tool window mode

   this.dockingManager1.SetWindowMode(this.panel1, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.WindowMode.Tool);
'To set Docking child as Tool window mode

Me.dockingManager1.SetWindowMode(this.panel1, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.WindowMode.Tool)

Display document tab with Tool window mode

//To set Docking child as Document window mode

'To set Docking child as Document window mode


Display document tab with Document window mode

Identify whether the control is tool window or document window

The GetWindowMode function of docking manager is used to determine window mode of docking child. This function takes the control as its argument and returns WindowMode whether the specified control is Tool or Document.


Freeze to document state

The FreezeToDocumentState function of docking manager helps to freeze the docking window state in Document and docking manager will not allows to move the child window to any other state.

this.dockingManager1.FreezeToDocumentState(panel1, true);

this.dockingManager1.FreezeToDocumentState(panel2, true);
Me.dockingManager1.FreezeToDocumentState(panel1, true)

Me.dockingManager1.FreezeToDocumentState(panel2, true)

Identify whether the control is frozen to document state

The docking manager IsFrozenToDocumentState function is used to determine the frozen state of a document window. This function takes the control as its argument and returns true if the specified control is frozen to document state. Else, it returns false.


Creating Document Tab Group

The DockingManger allows to create document tab groups like Visual Studio. The document tab groups can be grouped using the drag-and-drop operations and also using the options in context menu items.

Create tab group using context menu option

In docking manager, a new tab group can be created at horizontal or vertical side in the document area using the ContextMenu option.

Docking manager displays the horizontal document tab group

Docking manager displays the vertical document tab group

TabGroup creation through mouse interaction

Like Visual Studio, the DragProvider of DockingManager contains eight dock hints to create DocumentTab group through drag provider. Out of eight dock hints, four outer dock hints are used to create a dock window and four inner dock hints are used to create a document window. A new tab group can be created at the top, left, right, or bottom of the document area through mouse interactions. This feature is not supported in VS2005, VS2008, and Whidbey styles.

If there is no active document available in the DockingManager, only the center dock hint will be visible in DragProvider.

Docking manager displays center dock hint in DragProvider

The following screenshot illustrates the preview of the document that is to be created.

Docking manager displays preview for documenting the window at the left

The following screenshot illustrates the document that is documented at the left of the document area.

Docking manager displays the document that is documented at the left

The DocumentTab group has been created at the left.


Similarly document tabs can be created in all four directions (Left, Top, Right, Bottom)

The docking direction (DockHints) can be restricted by setting DockAbility to each docking child. More details about DockAbility has been explained in Dealing with docking child section.

Disable tab group creation

Tab group creation can be enabled or disabled using the EnableTabGroup property of docking manager. To disable tab group creation, set the EnableTabGroup to False. So, the docking manager will not display “New Horizontal Tab Group” and “New Vertical Tab Group” context menu items when right-click the document header.

//To disable Document tab group creation

this.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.EnableTabGroup = false;
'To disable Document tab group creation

Me.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.EnableTabGroup = false

Change document window state

TDI window can be moved to dock or float state using its contextMenu option.

Move to dock state

TDI window can be moved to dock state using dock menu item in the contextMenu option.

Document window can move to dock state using context menu item

Move to float state

TDI window can be moved to float state by floating menu item in the contextMenu option. This can also be done by dragging its TDI tab header.

Document window can move to float state using context menu item

Restrict dragging document window

The document tab window of docking manager can moved to the float state while dragging its tab header. This functionality can be enabled or disabled using the AllowDragging property. By default, this property is set to true.

//To disable document window dragging behavior

this.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.AllowDragging = false;
'To disable document window dragging behavior

Me.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.AllowDragging = false

Document tab reordering

The docking manager allows to reorder the document tab by selecting and dragging to the desired index in document tab panel. The re-ordering behavior of document tabs can be enabled or disabled using the AllowTabsMoving property. By default, this property is set to true.

// To restrict the document tabs reordering

this.dockingManager1.AllowTabsMoving = false;
'To restrict the document tabs reordering

Me.dockingManager1.AllowTabsMoving = false

Closing TDI tab item using mouse middle click

You can close the tab items of DocumentContainer and tabbed windows in DockingManager by clicking the mouse middle button on the tab item header. You can enable it by using the CloseTabOnMiddleClick property value as true. The default value of CloseTabOnMiddleClick is false.

this.dockingManager1.CloseTabOnMiddleClick = true;
Me.dockingManager1.CloseTabOnMiddleClick = true

Show or hide close button

The visibility of common close button to close the selected tab in document window can be changed by ShowCloseButton property. By default, this property is set to false.

// To show the common close button

 this.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.ShowCloseButton = true;
'To show the common close button

 Me.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.ShowCloseButton = true

Document window displays common close button of document tab

Show or hide Tablist

The visibility of menu button that lists all available document tabs in a drop-down list can be changed using the ShowTablist property. By default, this property is set to false.

// To show  Tablist

  this.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.ShowTabList = true;
'To show  Tablist
 Me.dockingManager1.DocumentWindowSettings.ShowTabList = true

Document window displays the menu button of document tab