SPOTLIGHT: Community School Wins 
Please share one or more bright spots from your community schools work. Anything that is bringing hope, promise and impact to your community. We may follow up with you to see if we could further share your bright spots either within our network and/or externally. However, we will circle back with you before doing that! Thanks for sharing your good news.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Please mark all that pertain to you and your Community School context. *
Name of District/Site *
This project is *
Name your project or event *
Tell us about the project/activity are you engaged in and what priority/need does it aims to address? *
What have been some of the immediate, short term impacts or early successes of the project/activity? *
Would you be willing to share your story with an NEA communications staff or present as a spotlight at a future PLC? *
Further comments? *
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