LTB 229/19 – NEC, Industrial Executive, National Officer & Regional Secretary Elections 2019

No. 229/19

12th April 2019


Dear Colleague,

NEC, Industrial Executive, National Officer & Regional Secretary Elections 2019

Branches will recall that that LTB 714/18 advised of the NEC decision to defer the above National elections until June 2019.

For ease of reference the deferment was necessary so that the relevant policies and rule amendments, which are required as a consequence of the policies carried at the Redesign Conference held in Bournemouth in November 2018, could be placed for approval before the CWU Special Rules Revision Conference taking place in Bournemouth on 29th April 2019.

The purpose of this further LTB is to provide formal notification that the NEC has now approved the timetable for the elections which is published below for information.

It is essential that this information is brought to the attention of the members of your branch via the normal communication channels.

In respect of the election regulations (including the required additional guidance on the revised election arrangements) these will be placed before the NEC for approval at a Special NEC meeting to be held on 16th May 2019 and then published to branches accordingly.

The timetable for the election (s) is as follows:

Nominations Open:                                           21 May 2019
Nominations Close:                                           11 June 2019 (14:00)
Accept Nomination:                                          14 June 2019 (14:00)
(TFSE NEC/IE positions only)

Dispatch ballot material from:                         2 July 2019
Close of ballot:                                                    24 July 2019 (first post)
Result:                                                                  26 July 2019

Any enquiries regarding this Letter to Branches should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 020 8971 7237, or email address

Yours sincerely,


Tony Kearns
Senior Deputy General Secretary
