LTB 321/19 – Election of NEC & Industrial Executive (IE) – Nomination Arrangements

No. 321/19

28th May 2019 


Dear Colleague,


Since the opening of the nomination period for the above CWU National Representative positions on 21st May 2019 we have received several telephone enquiries from branches seeking further clarification in respect of the nomination arrangements for the above National Elections.

Whilst the entitlement to nominate is included in the Election regulations (see LTB 296/19) and additional election arrangements is included in the Election Guidelines which were distributed along with the regulations, we thought it may be helpful to branches to provide some further guidance on the nomination arrangements which is detailed below for your information.

However branches should note that in essence the nomination arrangements are the same as those successfully operated in previous NEC and IE elections (2017) although it has been necessary to incorporate some changes as a result of the restructuring of the NEC which has resulted in additional seats being subject to  election.

As in 2017 further information in relation to member voting entitlement on each contested ballot will also be published at the close of the nomination period and prior to the dispatch of ballot papers.


Nomination Forms  

Please note that in respect of the distribution of nomination forms the arrangements being used in 2019 are exactly the same as those used in 2017.

These being:

Postal Constituency

Branches will need to request Postal Constituency NEC and Industrial Executive nomination forms from CWU HQ. Branches will also need to stipulate which particular NEC or Industrial Executive forms they are requesting. This is important as there is now a distinction to certain positions in respect of their entitlement to automatically sit on both the NEC and the Industrial Executive.

Further information on this is contained further in this correspondence.

TFS Constituency

As in previous NEC elections the nomination forms for the TFS NEC and IE positions are distributed to branches. This took place on 20th May 2019. Therefore if you have yet to receive the nomination forms relevant to your branch then please contact the SDGS department at CWU HQ for duplicate copies.

Branches should note that whilst all Branches will have received nomination forms for all NEC positions some branches, depending on your branch industrial membership, will only receive the TFSE Industrial Executive forms pertinent to your branch membership.

Further information on this is contained further in this correspondence. 

Retired Members Sector NEC Representative 

The Retired Members Sector NEC Representative is open to nomination from all Branches in the union who have retired members. Nomination forms for this position are available on request from the SDGS department at CWU HQ.



National Executive Council Representatives 

There are 16 NEC positions subject to nomination and election by all members of the Postal Constituency. These are as follows:

·      Section 1 The Postal Constituency Chair and Vice Chair plus 9 NEC members who will automatically be members of the Postal Industrial.
·      Section 2 2 additional NEC members.
·      Section 3 1 Young Workers NEC Representative.
·      Section 4 1 NEC member elected to represent the LGBT Equality Strand and 1 NEC member elected to represent the Disability Equality strand.


Branches should note that members elected in sections 2, 3 and 4 who will not automatically be members of the Postal Executive.



Postal Industrial Executive Representatives

There are 17 places available for election to the Postal Industrial Executive of which 15 must come from the Postal Grade members of the Postal Constituency and 2 members must come from PTS members. Separate “grade” ballots take place for these elections. This will include the 11 Postal Constituency members elected in Section 1 of the NEC elections (see above).



National Executive Council Representatives 

There are 13 NEC positions subject to nomination and election by all members of the Telecom and Financial Services Constituency. These are as follows:

·      Section 1 The TFS Constituency Chair and Vice Chair plus 6 NEC members who will automatically be all members of the TFSE Industrial Executive.
·      Section 2 2 additional NEC members.
·      Section 3 1 Young Workers NEC Representative.
·      Section 4 1 NEC member elected to represent the Women Equality Strand and 1 NEC member elected to represent the BAME Equality strand.


Branches should note that members elected in sections 2, 3 and 4 who will not automatically be members of the TFS Industrial Executive.


T&FS Executive Representatives 

There are 16 members of the TFSE who are as follows:

8 members elected as NEC members (see Section 1 above).

1 member elected by and from all members the Telecom & Financial Services Constituency and who must be aged 29 or under at the time of the election.

1 member elected by and taken from members in the Santander Group and related companies (Santander UK,  Santander UK Operations Ltd, Santander UK Technology Ltd,  Santander Global and RR Donnelley).

1 member elected by and taken from members in Telefonica O2 UK, Connect 44 and ISS Eaton.

1 member elected by and from all members working for Capita in the T&FS Sector and 14Forty (Capita contract).

4 members elected by and taken from all other members in the Telecom & Financial Services Constituency. 


Any enquiries regarding this Letter to Branches should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 020 8971 7237, or email address

Yours sincerely,


Tony Kearns
Senior Deputy General Secretary
