RenewJax Campaign Supporter

Mission/Purpose: The RenewJax Campaign is an initiative to get the City of Jacksonville (COJ) to commit to operate on 100% renewable energy before 2050. In so doing the campaign seeks to improve the quality of life and well-being of current and future residents of the region. It also seeks to stimulate regional economic development as businesses and individuals capitalize on market trends and opportunities associated converting to renewable energy sources.

Focuses:  RenewJax is a two-pronged campaign focusing on JEA and COJ decision-makers. It seeks to persuade the Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) to modernize its energy generation portfolio through conversion to renewable energy sources. It seeks to persuade the City of Jacksonville (COJ) to commit to reducing its contribution to global warming through use of renewable energy.

Structure:  RenewJax is a regional campaign led by the Sierra Club of Northeast Florida (SCNEF) with guidance and assistance from Sierra Club National and its Florida Chapter. Its regional strategies and efforts are guided by the RenewJax Leadership Team comprised of SNEF leaders and non-member subject matter experts. The team also include representatives from organizations/groups with a high level of involvement and/or support for the campaign. When appropriate, the leadership team creates subteams to focus on goal-specific strategies, activities, and outcomes.

 Supporters:  The RenewJax Campaign is led by the Sierra Club of Northeast Florida (SCNEF) with the assistance of supporting organizations and groups. The campaign also relies on individuals committed to reducing Jacksonville’s contribution to global warming. While RenewJax welcomes substantive support (e.g., human, material, or financial) from other groups/organizations, it is not a requirement to be a campaign supporter. At a minimum level, a supporting group/organization allows its name and logo to be citied in campaign-related publications and online systems. It also makes a conscious effort to educate its membership about global warming, its impact on Northeast Florida, and Jacksonville’s contribution to global warming. It should also make a concerted effort to create awareness of the RenewJax Campaign and what it seeks to achieve.

 If you represent an organization/group desiring to support the RernewJax Campaign, please provide the information requested below. Requests to become a campaign supporter are reviewed and approved by the RenewJax Leadership Team. 

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