Secondary Student Needs Assessment for Parent/Staff
To help the school counseling department plan the best activities for this upcoming school year, please rate each of the following items below to show how important each item is to you.

Please rate using the scale indicated below.
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Email *
School *
What is your role? *
Information about Alcohol/Drug Related Topics *
Not important at all
Very important
Student Health and Wellness (weight/eating concerns, exercise, etc.) *
Not important at all
Very important
Mental Health Concerns (thoughts about death and/or self harm, depression, etc.) *
Not important at all
Very important
Dealing with Stress and Anxiety (asking for help when needed, coping skills, etc.) *
Not important at all
Very important
Exploring Career Choices (choosing appropriate courses in middle school/high school,  educational opportunities after high school, etc.) *
Not important at all
Very important
Exploring Abilities, Interests, & Aptitudes *
Not important at all
Very important
Time Management (unorganized, lacking study skills, etc.) *
Not important at all
Very important
Problem Solving Skills (making and keeping friends, managing conflict, social skills, etc.) *
Not important at all
Very important
Not Getting Along with Staff Members (teachers, AP, counselor, etc.) *
Not important at all
Very important
Dealing with Difficulties at Home *
Not important at all
Very important
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