CPDD Digital Experience

Now available on-demand!
The CPDD Digital Experience is a combination of live broadcasts, on demand recordings and digital poster access.


CPDD 2022 Annual Meeting Digital Experience

To develop a digital meeting experience that showcases the breadth of work at CPDD, the digital meeting will be open to persons who register for in-person as well as digital-only attendance, and aims to provide digital attendees with a wide exposure to meeting content in a way that models but does not compete with the in-person experience. By providing Q&A for selected sessions post-meeting, digital attendees will have a unique offering that will model the in-person networking experience. 

In-Person (Includes Digital Experience) Digital Experience Only
Plenary (including NIDA and NIAAA Directors) ✓ (Livestreaming)
Awards Presentation ✓ (Livestreaming)
Presidential Symposia ✓ (Livestreaming)
Marian Fischman Lecture (2020, 2022) Recorded live for on-demand viewing
22+ Moderated Symposia 14 Recorded live for on-demand viewing & Virtual Q&A
15+ Workshops 8 Recorded live for on-demand viewing & Virtual Q&A
2 Late-Breaking Sessions Recorded live for on-demand viewing
165+ Oral Communications Recorded live and uploaded as mini-talks for on-demand viewing
230+ Posters Uploaded with audio narration for on-demand viewing
Small Business Poster Session
4 Professional Forums
NIDA Early Career Networking Mixer
Dessert and Dancing Gala
CPDD Business Meeting
Closing Session and Sweepstakes Giveaway
Meet with Pre- and Post-Doctoral T32 Training Directors
NEW Structured Networking Opportunities in Networking Zone
Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Recorded sessions are denoted in the Agenda Planner as with ** at the end. 

CPDD Digital Experience Registration Pricing

Member-In-Training: $335
Non-Member Student: $425
Non-Member Post Doc: $505


Member: $455
Non-Member: $725
Developing Countries: $350



Plus Q&A Sessions Post-Conference

Digital attendees will have the opportunity to join post-conference Q&A sessions approximately three weeks after the launch of On Demand sessions.