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Title IX Reporting Form

This form's purpose is to notify the College of a situation you have become aware of that includes sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence toward a GTCC student. Based on your submission of this report the College will review the matter to see if remedies are possible under our policies and procedures. The student who is directly receiving the unwanted behavior will be consulted as part of that review.

This is not the form for making a formal complaint under Title IX about behavior that you are personally receiving--that is the "Title IX Formal Complaint Form" which can be accessed from the same location as this form. Neither form is meant to help you secure emergency response in an actively dangerous situation; if you are in immediate distress please dial 911.

While it is possible to complete this form anonymously--to leave out your name at contact information at the start--please know that the Title IX Office will have a lesser ability to proceed based on anonymous information than when Title IX employees can speak live with members of the community who have concerns.

The College's student-facing Title IX Coordinator Mr. Kirby Moore will be glad to answer any questions about this form at or (336) 334-4822 ext. 50565.

Background Information

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the person reporting this matter; can leave blank if wishing to report anonymously
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(e.g., ENG Instructor; Admissions Officer; Student, . . . )
Email address must be of a valid format.
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can leave blank if wishing to report anonymously
This field is required.
This field is required.

Information on Parties Involved in the Incident

Please list the individuals involved (excluding yourself), including as many of the listed fields as you can provide. Use the "Add Another" button below to list additional parties.

Involved party 1

Incident Information

This field is required.
Were Campus Police contacted?(Required)
This field is required.
Does the party against whom the alleged violation occurred prefer to remain anonymous?(Required)
This field is required.
Please check this box to signal your understanding that, if you have provided your contact information at the beginning of this form, your anonymity cannot be fully guaranteed. If you wish to remain anonymous you may leave your contact information off of this form, with the understanding that this will limit the scope of action that can be taken by the Title IX Office in response.(Required)
You must make at least one selection.

Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
