Through Devastating Storms
LEONI ("The God of Abraham Praise")

Through devastating storms, through times of heat and drought,
through fire and flood, creation mourns and so cries out.
As hot and cold extremes cause overwhelming need,
the earth bears witness to the cost of human greed.

We're always wanting more; we spend and build and buy.
To meet our wants, we hurt the poor — till many die.
The world that we have built is one we can't sustain,
and all around us, God's creation cries in pain.

Creator, by your grace, you give the gift of life —
You entered into time and space in Jesus Christ.
Your Spirit makes us strong to tend and heal and lift —
and helps us see creation as a sacred gift.

There's no time left to wait! May we be bold to give.
May we plant trees and advocate and gently live —
God, as we love the earth and love each other, too,
may we bring hope and healing to this world with you.

Biblical References: Romans 8:22-25; Isaiah 58:6-10; Luke 16:19-31; John 3:16; 1 John 4:7-21
Tune: Traditional Hebrew melody ("The God of Abraham Praise")  (MIDI)
Text: Copyright © 2021 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
New Hymns:

"Through Devastating Storms" was written for the opening worship service on August 1st for the national Presbyterians for Earth Care conference, "Creation Care Buffet: Come to the Table." The hymn recognizes the record-breaking heat waves and forest fires in the West and Northwest USA, hurricanes, and massive flooding in Europe and China. It is a prayer that we will love the earth and love each other, and so work for healing and hope.

Words and music (44K PDF file)

Permission is given for the free use of this hymn in worship.