Urge Assembly Members to Oppose Minimum Wage Bill, Protect Access to Care

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.


Write to your hospital’s state Assembly member and ask them to oppose Senate Bill (SB) 525 (Durazo, D-Los Angeles). This bill would increase the statewide minimum wage for all workers — including contractors — in all health care settings to $21 in 2024 and $25 starting in 2025. The minimum wage would also increase annually by 3.5% or the Consumer Price Index, whichever is lesser.  

It is vital that Assembly members understand that this bill would jeopardize hospitals’ ability to ensure they can continue to deliver care. Instead, it would reduce access to medical services, increase health care costs, and diminish health care employment opportunities. 

A template letter is available for members’ use. Hospital leaders are also urged to call/text their Assembly member to oppose SB 525, using the key messages below. Find contact information for your Assembly member on the Legislature’s website


Please send your letters to Coni Segretto at csegretto@calhospital.org by July 5. Calls/texts to Assembly members should be made between July 17 and Aug. 14.