The Daily Jot

News Analysis from a prophetic Christian Worldview

The Daily Jot

The word Sanctified in bold

Santify or a Blaspheme

The definition of blasphemy is impious utterance, irreverent behavior or action concerning God or sacred things. Even in the church, there is sometimes over-the-top irreverent behavior toward the sacred. Perhaps, things concerning God have become far too casual and we need to think about how we act and speak toward God.

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These areas are places where the large churches will not go. They are on the front lines of Islamic expansion and aggression where it can be very dangerous to conduct Christian outreach.

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How many times have you been in situations where someone is just making nonsense statements, even saying hateful things, and you wish you had the facts to respond appropriately?

The Daily Jot is designed for you to respond with factual information that can stimulate respectful conversation.

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