archive table of contents

teaching the internetIakwe! Welcome to the Marshall Islands Stories website. The Marshall Islands Story Project seeks to preserve the rich culture of the Marshall Islands by gathering life stories and traditional tales from Marshallese elders. Central to the Project is the involvement of Marshallese students in the preservation process.

You will find these stories archived (left) in audio, video, and textual formats--both in English and Marshallese. This material was gathered in accordance with National Park Service guidelines. For a copy of the consent form used, go to the "about" page (above).

If you wish to make use of the archived material, you must ask permission from the project director (see "contact" above).

For more on the background of the Marshall Islands Story Project and its educational mission, please visit the "about" link above.

The "introduction" (to your left) offers an overview of Marshallese culture. This was written by Marshallese college students in consultation with their elders. The "resources" tab (above) offers links to other cultural and informational sites about the Marshall Islands.

The Kramer Photo Archive offers a pictorial history of the Marshall Islands. We will expand this as we process more significant photographs from Kramer’s holdings.
As this project is ongoing, with collection of stories and other artifacts every year, the archives will grow. So we encourage your return. If you know of cultural treasures the Project can help preserve, please let us know. Kommool tata.

Iakwe! Koruwainene non Marshall Islands Story website in. Marshall Islands Story Project ej kajibarok bwe en drebij im kamour wot mour im mantin Majel  ilo an aiin bwebwenato im  inon ko jen ritto ro ad. Driilep in projeek in ej  ri-jikuul im Majel ro bok konaer ie.

Kwonaaj lo bwebwenato kein (ituamiin) ilo nememmein aeinikien, pija, im jeje ilo jimor kajin Palle im Majel. Melele kein kar tobari ekkar non kakien ko an National Park Service. Non am lale consent form eo kar kojerbale in kommane projeek in, jouj im ilok non “about” page eo (elon).

Ne ewor am konan kojerbali melele kein, aikuj wor am melim jen projeej director eo (lale “contact” ilon)

teaching the internet Non melele ko rellaplok kin Marshall Islands Story Project in kajibarok ko an ikijjien katakin, jouj im etal non “about” page eo ilon.

Introduction ak Ennaan ko Imaan rej kwalok tu-rebakbak in melele ko ikijjien mantin Majel. Melele kein raar jeje in ri-jikuul ro elkin aer jitdame ritto ro. Tab ak batin eo ikijjien Resouce (eo epad ilon) ej kalikkar ak kwalok dridre ko nan ijoko jet im maron bok melele kin Majel im mantin Majel.

Kramer Photo Archive eo ej itok ilo nememein pija ko rej kwalok bwebwenato in Majel in maantak jen raan ko jemaanlok. Kim naaj kalaplok jikin in ilo am jerbal in ekkalel maanlok elon bar pija ko elletokin baamle eo an Kramer.

Einwot ke projeek in ej laplok wot ilo an koba tok elon bar bwebwenato ko im men ko jet aolep iio, archive ak turoro in enaaj eddoklok wot. Kin men in, kemij rojan kwe bwe kwon bar jeblaak tok. Im ne ewor mennin Majel ko projeek in emaron kojbaroki, jouj im kojelaik kim. Kommool tata.

RMI flag National Parks Service logo Please note: The contents and opinions of this website do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Department of Interior.

This program received Federal funds from the U.S. National Park Service.  Regulations of the U.S. Department of Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or handicap.  Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to:  Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, P. O. Box 37127, Washington, D. C. 20013-7127.

design by Ron Tanner
© 2008-14 Historic Preservation Office,
Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands