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Why Choose BLHS?

Choir performing at a Timberwolves game

BLHS offers a variety of elective courses in core areas. These courses are designed to help students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college and their chosen careers. 

Learn More about Academics
BLHS NHS 23/24

At BLHS we strive to make students ready for the real world and part of that is developing good character. We do this by encouraging students to do the right thing. Part of the Mustang Way is helping others succeed, communicating you matter, honoring the absent, and see the problem own the problem. 

Learn More about Mustang Way
Good luck to the team

BLHS is part of a community that strives to support our students and the growth they are all capable of. The community members are highly involved with our students, from the local clinic visiting our elementary classrooms to talk about math, to being a part of the annual career fair to raise awareness about local career options and many more things that help our students achieve their fullest potential.

Learn More about Community Support
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus

At BLHS, we have an exceptional team of educators who are dedicated to helping our students succeed, and with smaller class sizes our teachers can give students the attention they deserve. 

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