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Protecting You and Yours

NEA's Office of General Counsel and other experts detail your rights and protections as an educator during the pandemic.
masked female student with masked teacher in classroom Getty Images

Educator Rights

A middle-aged woman uses an asthma inhaler

Educator Rights to Accommodations

Learn how COVID-19 impacts your right to accommodations under the ADA.
A man carries a mask and briefcase into workplace

Workers Compensation

Learn about your rights and remedies if you contract COVID-19 at work.
A mom tends to a sick child

Educator Rights to Paid Sick Leave

Need to take leave related to COVID-19—either because you tested positive or need to care for a family member? Check out these resources.
A teacher speaks to students, including a young girl in a wheelchair

Paraeducator and Other Education Support Professional Rights

This guidance provides information about safety practices as well as your rights to accommodation and leave under federal law.
A close-up shot of a hand signing a contract

COVID-19 and Liability Waivers

Before you sign, learn about your rights.
educators at ELL training

Additional Resources

Don't see what you're looking for here?

Mitigation Strategies

cleaning classroom

Clean Air and Surfaces

With in-person instruction at schools and campuses, questions about the health hazards of cleaning and disinfecting products and protocols continue to arise.
Two female teachers sterilize a classroom

School Operations and Contingency Plans

With the right strategies in place, we can keep students and educators safe and healthy.
covid vaccines


Vaccines are the safest and most effective way we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from the coronavirus.
school cafeteria food shortages


The NEA advocated for Federal funding to get our schools free COVID-19 testing – learn how to get tests and why they’re so important.

Using Our Collective Voice

Sign reading Teachers just want to have fund$

Advocating for ESSER Funds

NEA guidance for how local affiliates can bargain and advocate for resources that not only support student learning, but also students’ social-emotional well-being.
Educators wearing masks

Sample Demands for Safe and Just In-Person Learning

You and your community can use these criteria to ensure the health and safety of students, educators, and families.
From national advocacy to individual support, NEA is working to ensure that education is affordable and accessible to all.

Educator Workload

Educators are feeling overwhelmed as their demands have expanded during the pandemic
Teachers and staff from UCLA Community School meet with UCLA professors

Educator Voice in the COVID-19 Environment

Learn about how collective bargaining plays a role in ensuring educators' safety during in-person instruction.
Colleagues meet while wearing masks

Amplifying Educator Expertise to Address COVID-19 Issues

The voices and expertise of educators have never been more important.
Higher ed professor explaining something to student

Assignments and Staffing During COVID-19

This NEA guidance offers suggestions for ongoing labor-management conversations related to changes in assignments and staffing.

More Safety Plans, Protocols, and Guidance

Paraeducator cleaning classroom desks

Funding Your Safety Plans

Learn how you can unlock funds from the American Rescue Plan, among other legislation, to fund your cleaning and safety plans.
teacher mental health

Mental Health Safety

Its not just about protecting our bodies. We also must protect our mental health
Asian teacher in mask working with 2 students in classroom

Advocating for Educators’ Legal Rights

NEA details your rights and protections as an educator during the pandemic.
teacher in classroom with facemask

Funding the Recovery

Thanks to the tireless advocacy of NEA members, we have an unprecedented opportunity to reshape the future of public education with the huge investment in public schools under the American Rescue Plan (ARP).
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.