Report That Pantry

About Us

Report That Pantry is a Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping little free pantries restock their shelves faster. The technology consists of QR codes placed on the front of each pantry that connects to our website. Users can scan the QR code and report the level of food inside each pantry, allowing volunteers to check our website to find out when a pantry needs restocking. This project was solely made by students of the Rosenblatt High School and supervised by Dr. Hallstrom, the director of the Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering (I-SENSE) at Florida Atlantic University, Mr. Obaido, the Engineering teacher at the Rosenblatt High School, and Summer Faerman, the founder of TLC Little Free Pantry Program.

What are Little Free Pantries?

Little Free Pantries are free self-serve food pantries located in high traffic areas around South Florida. The model is simple, those who can afford leave food and those in need take - no questions asked. A wide assortment of food can be found at any given time including cereal, mac and cheese, canned food, chips, protein bars, and anything else that doesn’t need refrigeration.

How to Help!

Fill Up a Pantry

  1. Purchase/gather non-perishables
  2. Stop by one of the pantries - any day, any time
  3. Pull into a safe parking spot and fill the pantry

Report a Pantry

  1. Scan the QR code on the pantry
  2. Report the amount of food in the pantry
Check The Status of Pantries