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At this year's convocation, we want to integrate short video clips from our seniors. To be featured in our SeniorClips, seniors can pick one of the questions below and record their reply as a short video. Here is how:


1. Choose a Question 

  • What will you remember about your time at Eastlake? 
  • Favorite flavor milkshake
  • Who would your Eastlake staff dream team be for the World Championship of Ultimate Frisbee? 
  • What is something you’ll miss from the Eastlake cafeteria and why? 
  • Would you rather dress up as Wolfie or be in charge of making the morning announcements on the intercom and why? 
  • What was your favorite spirit day or celebration at Eastlake and why? 
  • Would you rather travel to a beach, desert,  or the mountains……?
  • What new skill have you learned in this year of remote learning? 
  • What has “Wolf Strong, Pack Strong” meant to you as a student? 
  • What is something that you have learned about yourself as a student in the Covid-19 era? 
  • What shows have you binge watched during the shutdown? 
  • Favorite Action hero and why……
  • If you could spend one night in Eastlake, where would you hang out and why? 
  • What is one lesson you learned at Eastlake that will stick with you in the future?  
  • Besides Covid and remote learning, what will you remember most about this past year? 

2. Record a Video with your Answer

Ok, you know the drill - video has to be school-appropriate, think of your background, your clothing etc. More about your video:

  • Make sure there is no background noise, use headphones if needed
  • Record the video "landscape" so it will look better on computer screens as part of the streaming.
  • Video should be no longer than 10 seconds long. 

3. Send us your video

Video files are big, so here is the best way to send it to us:

1. Upload your video to your school account OneDrive

2. Generate a link to the file (make sure it's set to "Anyone with this link can access" type of link)

3. From your school email account, email the link to with the subject "Senior Clips". 

Your video will be reviewed by our volunteers to ensure it's appropriate to use. Deadline is May 15.

4. Watch the Convocation to see your 10-seconds of fame!