The Monuments

Out of a collection of over 500 monumental sculptures and commemorative plaques and artworks on the public way and in Chicago parks, several have been identified for a public discussion because of the following issues:

  • Promoting narratives of white supremacy 

  • Presenting inaccurate and/or demeaning characterizations of American Indians 

  • Memorializing individuals with connections to racist acts, slavery, and genocide 

  • Presenting selective, over-simplified, one-sided views of history 

  • Not sufficiently including other stories, in particular those of women, people of color, and themes of labor, migration, and community building 

  • Creating tension between people who see value in these artworks and those who do not

The committee understands that these artworks are not a comprehensive inventory of all of the monuments and other public symbols that need attention, but is the start to a long overdue and necessary conversation.

No decisions have been made about the following monuments.

We invite you to review the artworks that have been identified, suggest others, and to share your opinions on the role of monuments in Chicago’s public spaces.