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Seattle University Impact Report

Welcome to FORWARD, a newsletter that celebrates the impact SU community members like you make across campus. We hope to keep you feeling informed, engaged and connected.

Seattle University Sacred Spaces

SU's Sacred Spaces

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to grow personally and spiritually at SU. To that end, the university offers a number of "sacred spaces" throughout campus in which all community members are invited to reflect and connect with the Divine. Some of these spaces are peaceful hidden gems, others are passed by every day, adding meaning to the beautiful existing grounds. Most importantly, each of these spaces welcomes visitors of all faiths, the spiritual and non-believers alike. READ FULL STORY

sacred spaces

Joelle Torre, '03, Teaches The Value Of Connecting

When Alex Keene, ’22, visited an advisor in the Career Engagement Office, they wanted to find new, practical ways to explore their field of mechanical engineering. Their advisor recommended Redhawk Landing, Seattle University’s online mentoring platform. Keene signed up and the first person they reached out to was Joelle Torre, ’03. READ FULL STORY

Upcoming Events

March 3, 6p.m.–7p.m., Virtual
Women of SU + Alumni and Students of Color (ASOC) Connection Café Book Club Discussion: "So You Want to Talk About Race" Register

March 8–March 16, 6:30p.m.–7:30p.m., St. Joseph Parish and recordings
Novena of Grace Learn more

April 26, 4p.m.–6:30p.m., Pigott Auditorium
Dr. Luth M. Tenorio College of Nursing Dean's Endowed Lectureship: Social Justice Advocacy—Necessary Trouble featuring keynote speaker Dr. Coretta Jenerette Register

April 30, Various service sites and times
Alumni Day of Service
Mark your calendar!

Join President Eduardo Peñalver in a city near you
March 15–Bay Area
March 16–Los Angeles
March 30–Honolulu
April 5–Portland
April 22–Washington, D.C.
Learn more and register

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President Eduardo Peñalver

President Peñalver Looks Ahead

As we begin 2022, and as I continue my first year as Seattle University’s 22nd president, I have so many hopes for our community. At the forefront of all our minds is the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff as we return to in-person instruction in the wake of the Omicron wave. During our extended few weeks of online instruction in January 2022, Seattle University experienced more positive COVID cases than it had during the previous year of the pandemic. Fortunately, the most recent wave is receding as quickly as it swelled and we are returning to the classroom, deploying the same measures (improved ventilation, masking indoors and frequent testing) that served us so well during the fall quarter.

Despite the frustration and fatigue that many are experiencing from the lingering pandemic, it is vital that we do not allow COVID to keep us from engaging in the vital work of moving Seattle University forward. In November, our Board of Trustees approved our updated strategic plan, Reigniting Our Strategic Directions. As we begin 2022, we are now forming dozens of working groups to turn the broad and ambitious goals we have set for ourselves over the next five years into concrete actions and initiatives. These efforts are aimed at reimagining our curriculum, advancing the professional formation of all members of the Seattle University community, enhancing our student experience inside and outside the classroom, promoting inclusive excellence and changing the way we go about our work to ensure that we are efficient, effective and poised for growth.

I continue to feel so privileged to lead this remarkable academic community—this extended family of students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. Every day, I am inspired by colleagues and students who are living out Seattle University’s mission of empowering leaders for a just and humane world, as well as by the alumni who have become—or are well on their way to becoming—those leaders. I am excited by the progress we will make in the coming months and years and I look forward to providing you with regular updates as we share this journey together.

Eduardo Peñalver,

Seattle University Gives


On Thursday, February 24, the university community will join together for Seattle U Gives—the once-a-year, 24-hour celebration of generosity. For alums and students like Syeda Iram Jafry, ’17, and Ruby Ranoa, ’22, Seattle U Gives is an opportunity to raise money and awareness for the campus causes they care about most. Their outreach last year helped raise a record-breaking $575,000.

22 in 22

MEET 22 IN ’22!

Join President Eduardo Peñalver in a city near you
Since his inauguration as the 22nd president, Eduardo Peñalver has been committed to building relationships with the Seattle University community. To deepen those connections, President Peñalver invites you to join him and fellow Redhawks for an evening of fellowship, celebration and discussion in cities you call home.


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